
django-static-delivery supports Python 3 only and requires at least Django 1.11. No other dependencies are required.

To start, simply install the latest stable package using the command

$ pip install django-static-delivery

In addition, you have to add 'static_delivery.StaticDeliveryMiddleware' to the MIDDLEWARE setting in your Make sure to add the middleware to the top of the list.

    # ... all other middlewares

Please make sure that your staticfiles related settings are configured properly. Besides having STATIC_ROOT and STATIC_URL set, you have to use a staticfile storage with hashed file names, for example ManifestStaticFilesStorage.

# Filesystem path there collected staticfiles are stored
STATIC_ROOT = '/var/www/static'

# Public base path to access files in STATIC_ROOT
STATIC_URL = '/static/'


Thats it, now continue to the Advanced topics section to learn how to optimize your reverse proxy for a good performance - serving static files via Django is never a fast way.